Boost Your Mood With The Outdoors

I make nature-inspired clothing and accessories that encourage others to go outside and get into a happier headspace.   

As someone who has had anxiety for as long as I can remember I know how overwhelming life can get and how easy it is to forget about self care. That is why I created comfy sweatshirts that do more than just look good. They’re here to remind us that there is more to life  beyond our thoughts and four walls.

Because at the end of the day its the simple moments spent outdoors that help keep us grounded in life.


What Is Nature Therapy?

Nature therapy is like magic that happens when we spend time outside. It's all about how being around natural elements like trees, water, plants, and fresh air can make us feel happier and more relaxed.

When our lives get really busy it's so easy to get caught up in it all and forget to take a moment for ourselves. That’s where nature therapy comes in.  By simply going for a walk in the park, spending a day at the beach, going for a hike, or stepping into our backyards, we can experience the mental and overall health benefits of the outdoors.

So, next time you're feeling a bit down or super busy, try taking a little break to go for a walk or play outside. You might be surprised at how much it can help!

  • Support Forming Healthy Habits

    Evidence shows that a sense of connection to the natural world is linked to improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being. Wearing and seeing nature-inspired reminders and images helps in promoting calm and forming healthy habits by stepping outdoors.

  • Lift your Mood 

    You'll feel a part of a greater whole when you open your package of nature-inspired goodies filled with lots of love and meaningful intentions.

  • Quality Over Quantity

    Founded by Marina,  Noas Moohd is operated in an environment where every order is handled with care and love.